I’m not sure it’s for you, but please give us 60 seconds to read at least this page and keep an open mind.
What do you know about how computer companies historically charge for their hourly rate? Many actions are entirely automated, go into best buy and you’ll see a line of computers running software, apple ‘genius bar’ same thing, although apple at least doesn’t flaunt it. If there are several computers which all take an hour to repair, do you think that each customer is charged a fraction of that hour, or the full time?
How would you feel if your device(s) didn’t work at all, you take it to an ‘expert’ and then get squeezed by way of charging a higher fee for ‘urgent service’ and are then told it’s beyond repair – that you need to buy a new one.
We’ve been fixing all manner of electronics since 2007, and since our inception, it’s been a flat rate, because our expertise allows us to quickly and correctly diagnose your problem. That’s why we can offer a lifetime warranty on our labor, (7 day warranty for virus removal). We don’t offer a warranty on our labor for customer provided parts, but we’ll be happy to use it in your repair / build.
Our service area is 45 minutes from Milford, NY 13807, if you live outside of the radius, call us at 929-367-9672 and we’ll do our best to make arrangements that conform to everyone’s schedule.
Finally, as one last incentive, if we can’t fix your problem – there is no charge whatsoever.